Is Geek Bar harmful?

Author: GeekBarVape    Views: 67293

1. Nicotine: In order to make Geek Bar smell like cigarettes, merchants will add a small amount of nicotine to Geek Bars e-liquid. Long-term absorption of nicotine is very harmful to the body. Excessive use will cause dizziness, vomiting, and severe poisoning. And long-term exposure to nicotine will cause dependence.

2. Lithium battery: Geek Bar is a kind of electronic product. Geek Bar cannot lack batteries during use. Some Geek Bar batteries are of poor quality and have not been inspected for safety and quality. When smoking Geek Bar, there is a great danger and may even cause an explosion.

3. Various flavors: Most of the flavored Geek Bar e-liquids contain chemicals that are harmful to the human body. These chemicals will cause certain damage to the lungs, resulting in breathing difficulties.

4. Harmful substances: Some merchants violate relevant regulations when manufacturing Geek Bar e-liquids for better profits and taste, and add some harmful or even toxic substances to it. For example, nitrosamines, plasticizers and heavy metals, etc., these substances can cause great harm to the human body.

For our health, it is best to refuse cigarettes. Friends who quit smoking also choose scientific ways to quit smoking. Even if they buy Geek Bar to quit smoking, they should buy it in regular shopping malls.

Does Geek Bar have smoke?

Geek Bar will produce smoke, but this smoke is different from the smoke of traditional cigarettes.

First of all, in order to understand this issue more deeply, we need to briefly discuss the working principle of Geek Bar. Geek Bar is an electronic device that produces aerosols for users to inhale by heating special liquids (usually containing nicotine, propylene glycol, glycerin and other ingredients). When this aerosol is exhaled, it will form visible smoke due to mixing with cold air, but in fact, this smoke is closer to fog.

Compared with traditional cigarettes, the content of particulate matter and chemicals in the smoke produced by Geek Bar is generally lower. The smoke of traditional cigarettes contains a lot of tar and other harmful substances, while the content of harmful substances in the smoke of Geek Bar is generally lower, but not completely harmless.

In addition, the smoke of Geek Bar is also different from the smoke of traditional cigarettes in terms of appearance, smell and dissipation speed. Geek Bar smoke is generally thinner, has a lighter odor, and dissipates faster. This makes it relatively less of an impact on others when people who use Geek Bar smoke in public places.

However, although Geek Bar smoke is different from traditional cigarette smoke in some ways, they both may have an impact on the environment and human health. Therefore, when using Geek Bar, caution should still be exercised and long-term excessive use should be avoided.